Feel the Love with Chris Uphues
Saturday, February 10, 10am-Noon
Join us this Saturday morning, February 10, 10am-Noon for a special event with artist Chris Uphues! Chris will be LIVE PAINTING mini valentine paintings that you can purchase for the special people in your life and also signing books. There will be delicious FREE heart cookies for the first 50 customers, plus a sweet photo backdrop perfect for some heartfelt selfies. In short, you don’t want to miss this. :)

New Works by Shawn Finley
February 3-25, 2018
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, February 3, 7-10pm
We're excited to share news of our next exhibit featuring works by Chicago-based artist/illustrator Shawn Finley.
Villains – featuring portraits of the "bad guys" we love to hate from the movies and graphic novels opens on Februrary 3. You'll see scowling pirates, creeping ninjas, smoking-hot assassins and evil kings, painted with a unique blend of pop art meets abstract expressionism.
Join us the evening of Saturday, February 3, 7-10pm for the opening reception. Shawn will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
About the Artist
Shawn Finley is an illustrator, graphic designer and painter. Influenced by comic book art, classic animation, and pop art, Shawn’s work is a stylistic fusion of all of the above, with a specialty in book illustration and packaging design. He is proud to have recently worked with DreamWorks Press on their Baby Po, Madagascar, and How to Train Your Dragon picture book adaptations, and with IKEA on their Lattjo book series.
Shawn began his professional career by illustrating for underground and independent periodicals while studying fine arts in college, and followed up with his first picture book in 1992. Since then, he has gone on to establish Shawn Finley Studios, illustrated dozens of picture books and produced work for numerous ad agencies, publishers, and manufacturers, including McDonalds, Disney, the U.S. Government, and many more. You can read his graphic novel at badlikeme.net, and see more of his work at shawnfinley.com.
Shawn lives and works in Chicago. This is his first exhibit at Rotofugi.

We hope you can join us the evening of Friday, January 19, 6-9pm for what should be a pretty fun night!
We’re excited to be collaborating with Yumfactory Games to host a tournament for their hot-off-the-presses game VAMPIRES vs. UNICORNS: Floor War! There’s no entry fee and no experience necessary to play. And yes, there will be prizes!
If that wasn’t enough, we’ll also have contributing artist Travis Lampe at the event to sign copies of the game (we’ll have copies available to purchase) and we will also have complimentary adult bevarages from Small Town Brewery, makers of the delicious “Not Your Father’s Root Beer” and “Not Your Father’s Mountain Ale.”
About VAMPIRES vs. UNICORNS: Floor War
It’s time to CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!
Will you lead the fierce blood snob VAMPIRES or perhaps throw down with a herd of obnoxious UNICORNS?
VAMPIRES vs. UNICORNS: Floor War is a hillariously fun throwing card game with unexpected results, featuring fantastic hand painted tile art by Travis Lampe and Travis Louie suitable for framing!
Draw from your deck of cards to raise the dead, cause a unicorn stampede, and more! It’s up to you to find the best throwing technique to destroy your opponent’s floor tiles, but, like, beware! As not all tiles are the same!
It’s horn vs. tooth, hoof vs. claw! It's a game that is durable, playable, then frameable.
Game designed by Jim Dubois and Attaboy, based on an original concept by Jim Dubois. Produced by Yumfactory Games.
About Travis Lampe
Travis Lampe grew up in a small town in Kansas. After earning a degree in Graphic Design, he took a job in advertising as an art director in Chicago. While making ads for breakfast cereals and well known purveyors of inexpensive furniture over a period of several years, he secretly began “developing his illustration style,” which is not the same thing as “procrastinating.” Finally, when he felt the world was ready, he began his slow explosion onto the art and illustration scene, as it were. He currently lives and works in Chicago.

New Works by James 'Jimbot' Demski
January 6-28, 2018
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, January 6, 7-10pm
We kick off a new year with one of our favorites, Milwaukee-based artist James 'Jimbot' Demski! His combination of beautifully rendered wildlife, cartoony robots and great textures and colors strikes all the right notes.
Join us the evening of Saturday, January 6, 7-10pm for the opening reception. Jimbot will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
About the Artist
Jimbot’s art takes you into other worlds where the unusual can happen, beauty is around us, and your daydreams can become a reality. What exactly is happening is often left up to the viewer’s interpretations and how they view the clues left behind by the artist. He creates these worlds to escape to, and for the viewers to enjoy. James uses Acrylic paint, dry transfer letters, pencil and ink to convey his thoughts, and wants the viewer to enjoy them as much as he enjoyed painting them.
This will be Jimbot's fourth exhibit at Rotofugi.

New Prints Now for This 2017
First Annual December Print Exhibit
Guest Curated by Jay Ryan
December 9-31, 2017
2017. Sigh. There’s been plenty to complain, protest and worry about…but sometimes it’s nice to step back from the edge and look for some optimism. With that in mind, guest curator Jay Ryan has done something quite admirable — he’s gathered together an amazing group of artists, illustrators and designers with one goal in mind…stay positive!
Join us the evening of Saturday, December 9, 7-10pm for the opening of our First Annual December Print Exhibit, Stay Positive – New Prints Now for This 2017. Guest curator Jay Ryan, plus many of the participating artists, will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
The exhibit features new prints by Aaron Draplin, Amy Martin, Anne Benjamin, Ashley Elander, Ben Blount, Ben Chlapek, Bobby Dixon, Bryn Perrott, Diana Sudyka, Jason Polan, Jay Ryan, Jen Corace, Jenna Blazevich, Jenny Schmid, Judge, Keiler Roberts, Landland, Little Friends of Printmaking, Molly Costello, Nicole Gustafsson, Rachal Duggan, Ryan Duggan, Sage Perrott, Sara Parker & Sonnenzimmer — all available for cash and carry, perfect for holiday gifts!
For this special exhibit there will be no preview or early sales. Prints will be available at the gallery starting promptly at 7pm on December 9. Our Gallery Preview list members will get the first notice when remaining prints are made available to order online via our website in the week following the opening. Sign up at http://previews.rotofugi.com.
Exhibit continues through December 31, 2017.