February Exhibit: Villains by Shawn Finley
New Works by Shawn Finley
February 3-25, 2018
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, February 3, 7-10pm
We're excited to share news of our next exhibit featuring works by Chicago-based artist/illustrator Shawn Finley.
Villains – featuring portraits of the "bad guys" we love to hate from the movies and graphic novels opens on Februrary 3. You'll see scowling pirates, creeping ninjas, smoking-hot assassins and evil kings, painted with a unique blend of pop art meets abstract expressionism.
Join us the evening of Saturday, February 3, 7-10pm for the opening reception. Shawn will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
About the Artist
Shawn Finley is an illustrator, graphic designer and painter. Influenced by comic book art, classic animation, and pop art, Shawn’s work is a stylistic fusion of all of the above, with a specialty in book illustration and packaging design. He is proud to have recently worked with DreamWorks Press on their Baby Po, Madagascar, and How to Train Your Dragon picture book adaptations, and with IKEA on their Lattjo book series.
Shawn began his professional career by illustrating for underground and independent periodicals while studying fine arts in college, and followed up with his first picture book in 1992. Since then, he has gone on to establish Shawn Finley Studios, illustrated dozens of picture books and produced work for numerous ad agencies, publishers, and manufacturers, including McDonalds, Disney, the U.S. Government, and many more. You can read his graphic novel at badlikeme.net, and see more of his work at shawnfinley.com.
Shawn lives and works in Chicago. This is his first exhibit at Rotofugi.