Oddities of the Multiverse
New Works by Ennis Martin
June 1-30, 2019
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, June 1, 7-10pm
We get excited about all of our exhibits because, well, we only book things we love, but we're especially looking forward to our June exhibit. Chicago born and raised, Ennis Martin is a bit of a renaissance man — counting artist, teacher and b-boy among his titles. What we're most interested in, of course, is his amazing art!
Join us the evening of Saturday, June 1, 7-10pm for the opening reception of "Oddities of the Multiverse," where Ennis will be unveiling 20+ new works. We'll also have music by DJ Sean Doe, plus complimentary snacks and soft drinks...and if you'd like to BYOB, we're just across the street from the wonderful Beermiscous!
Ennis will be in attendance at the opening reception so please do stop by and say hello.
Exhibit continues through June 30, 2019.
Sign up for our gallery previews email list at http://previews.rotofugi.com for first notification when artwork is available online.

Naivety Scene
New Works by Blake Jones
May 4-26, 2019
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, May 4, 7-10pm
We're lucky to have collaborated with Chicago-based (via Houston, TX) artist Blake Jones on several projects over the last couple years. Blake's illustrative style draws on a huge range of influences from comics to abstract art, but is always consistently colorful, approachable and, well, cute.
A prolific sketchbook user, Blake is rarely seen without a book full of doodles and character studies....for this exhibit we've asked Blake to open up his sketchbooks and share the love in an explosion of wonderful, affordable art!
Join us the evening of Saturday, May 4, 7-10pm for the opening reception. We'll have music by DJ Sean Doe, plus complimentary snacks and soft drinks...and if you'd like to BYOB, we're just across the street from the wonderful Beermiscous!
Blake will be in attendance at the opening reception so please do stop by and say hello.
Exhibit continues through May 26, 2019.
Sign up for our gallery previews email list at http://previews.rotofugi.com for first notification when artwork is available online.

Plushform 10th Anniversary Custom Exhibit
Plushforms by Over 40 Artists
April 14-May 6, 2018
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, April 14, 7-10pm
Ten years ago our friends at Shawnimals and Squibbles Ink came up with the very first "totally customizable designer stuffed toy"...Plushform!
What is a Plushform, you ask? Plushform, based on Shawnimals' iconic Wee Ninja shape and produced by Chicago-based Squibbles Ink, is the first and only 100% customizable DIY plush toy. Every Plushform is made with a special coating that keeps it soft and allows you to mark on it with all of your favorite art supplies. You can start making your own creation as soon as you take it out of it's package. Plushform works great with markers, pencils and pens, brush and spray paints. It's also super easy to add things to Plushfom by sewing, glueing or other appliqué methods.
For the 10th Anniversary of Plushform we've invited over 40 artists to customize Plushforms and we're excited to see the results!
Join us the evening of Saturday, April 14, 7-10pm for the opening reception. Many of the artists will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
For BYOB, we are steps away from Beermiscuous, one of Chicago's best craft beer shops — 350 cold beers and ciders (over 200 local beers!) are available in a singles format, allowing you to create your own mix-and-match variety pack for the event!
The exhibit continues through May 6, 2018.
Want to do your own Plushform? Through the end of the exhibit (May 6, 2018) we're offering FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING of Plushforms!

New Works by James 'Jimbot' Demski
January 6-28, 2018
BYOB Opening Reception
Saturday, January 6, 7-10pm
We kick off a new year with one of our favorites, Milwaukee-based artist James 'Jimbot' Demski! His combination of beautifully rendered wildlife, cartoony robots and great textures and colors strikes all the right notes.
Join us the evening of Saturday, January 6, 7-10pm for the opening reception. Jimbot will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
About the Artist
Jimbot’s art takes you into other worlds where the unusual can happen, beauty is around us, and your daydreams can become a reality. What exactly is happening is often left up to the viewer’s interpretations and how they view the clues left behind by the artist. He creates these worlds to escape to, and for the viewers to enjoy. James uses Acrylic paint, dry transfer letters, pencil and ink to convey his thoughts, and wants the viewer to enjoy them as much as he enjoyed painting them.
This will be Jimbot's fourth exhibit at Rotofugi.

New Prints Now for This 2017
First Annual December Print Exhibit
Guest Curated by Jay Ryan
December 9-31, 2017
2017. Sigh. There’s been plenty to complain, protest and worry about…but sometimes it’s nice to step back from the edge and look for some optimism. With that in mind, guest curator Jay Ryan has done something quite admirable — he’s gathered together an amazing group of artists, illustrators and designers with one goal in mind…stay positive!
Join us the evening of Saturday, December 9, 7-10pm for the opening of our First Annual December Print Exhibit, Stay Positive – New Prints Now for This 2017. Guest curator Jay Ryan, plus many of the participating artists, will be in attendance, plus we’ll have snacks and sodas available (BYOB if you want to have alcohol) and music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe.
The exhibit features new prints by Aaron Draplin, Amy Martin, Anne Benjamin, Ashley Elander, Ben Blount, Ben Chlapek, Bobby Dixon, Bryn Perrott, Diana Sudyka, Jason Polan, Jay Ryan, Jen Corace, Jenna Blazevich, Jenny Schmid, Judge, Keiler Roberts, Landland, Little Friends of Printmaking, Molly Costello, Nicole Gustafsson, Rachal Duggan, Ryan Duggan, Sage Perrott, Sara Parker & Sonnenzimmer — all available for cash and carry, perfect for holiday gifts!
For this special exhibit there will be no preview or early sales. Prints will be available at the gallery starting promptly at 7pm on December 9. Our Gallery Preview list members will get the first notice when remaining prints are made available to order online via our website in the week following the opening. Sign up at http://previews.rotofugi.com.
Exhibit continues through December 31, 2017.