It's been just over three weeks since we took our online store down due to circumstances beyond our control. Rather than sit on our laurels, we decided to take the lemons that we'd received and make some tasty, tasty lemonade.
We're back now, with a brand new responsive (meaning it should adjust and look as good on your phone as it does on your desktop) website and online store. We sincerely hope you like it.
Of course, with growth comes some pain. If you had an account on the old online store, we're sorry to say you'll have to make a new one here. It's a bummer, we know, but we hope the speed, stability and security of this new online store hosted by the fine folks at Shopify will make up for the hassle.
If you've got pending pre-orders or hold for later delivery orders, your orders are still safe...we've saved all the data related to your orders and will either a) ship your pre-orders when they arrive or b) continue to hold onto your held items until you tell us you're ready to ship.
Of course, if you need an update or just confirmation that your orders are safe, feel free to drop us an email at with as much info as you have (ideally your name, email address on your order and your order number(s)) and we'll get right back to you. Thanks!
All the best to you from Kirby, Whitney & the Entire Rotofugi Crew

This month we're hosting exhibits by two different artists named Jesse in the gallery at the same time…what are the odds of that?! Check out new works by Jesse Reno and Jesse Narens in the gallery through September 6, or viewable online on our recently updated Rotofugi Gallery website!

Our collaboration with Frank Kozik and Squibbles Ink is now available to order on the online store!
Meet Jerome, a classic Frank Kozik Smorkin' Monger design, reborn in deliciously soft vinyl. Jerome is articulated in one place, at the cone, and comes with a removable smork in case you prefer him to kick the habit (smoking is bad).
Jerome is 4 inches tall, limited to 500 pieces in this color and priced at $15.95.

We debuted these beautiful releases by coarse at SDCC a couple weeks ago, but made sure to plan an online release as well so everyone that wants one could, hopefully, get one!
Omen Outburst Loser - Black and Omen Outburst Loser - Lemon will be available to order via on Thursday, July 23 at 9:59am Central Time for $99 each.
Limit one of each per customer and shipping in 1-2 weeks.
PLEASE NOTE: We’re sorry, but for collectors in Asia, please contact your local dealers about obtaining the Omen Outburst Loser Black or Lemon. Stores in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan & Singapore will be receiving inventory in addition to Rotofugi. Online sales of this item from Rotofugi Limited are limited to collectors outside of Asia. Thanks for your understanding.

Whether you're a hardcore Goga collector, or just hoping to get your is time to rejoice! To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Anraku Ansaku's first figure, Medicom and AA have teamed up to release two new Gogamezillas so that every sofubi fan can add this beautiful sculpt to their collection!
These two Gogamezillas (Green and Blue) will be available to pre-order starting Thursday, July 23 at 10am Central Time (Midnight 7/24 in Tokyo) for $189 each. No limits, and available via open pre-order until 8/30/15. Figure stands 11 inches tall. Design by Anraku Ansaku, produced by Medicom.