We'll be open abbreviated hours on Monday, September 7 for Labor Day. We'll be here 11a-3p for you!
Also, please note that there will be no shipping on Monday since both USPS and UPS are taking the day off. Thanks for your understanding.

We're pretty much in love with Laura Berger. There, we said it. We sell her prints and greeting cards in the store all the time, but this will be her first exhibit with us in the gallery and we could not be happier. The Chicago artist's paintings are often serene and meditative but almost always have a deep feeling of real emotion that we always find moving. That, combined with a wonderful subdued color palette, makes her one of our favorites!
Everything is Coming to You
New Works by Laura Berger
Opening Reception Friday, September 11, 7-10pm
Laura will be in attendance at the opening reception and, yep, we'll have free sodas and snacks plus music by DJ Sean Doe.
Exhibit continues through October 11

We're pleased to be welcoming Chicago artist Mr. Walters back to the gallery for a new exhibit in September. Not only is Mr. Walter's the main creative brain behind a line of wacky fun novelties and toys he sells under the name "Nerfect," but he's a talented and prolific painter and doodler of the highest caliber. Check out this exhibit for some of the brightest, strangest and most fun artwork you've seen in ages!
More of the Different
New Works by Mr. Walters
Opening Reception Friday, September 11, 7-10pm
Mr. Walters will be in attendance at the opening reception and, as usual, we'll have free sodas and snacks plus music by DJ Sean Doe.
Exhibit continues through October 11
We'll be doing a much more comprehensive post very soon....but in case you want to save the date, our next event is the opening reception for two new exhibits in our gallery. We're excited to be welcoming both Laura Berger and Mr. Walters for their respective solo exhibits and can't wait to see what they've created!
Opening reception will be Friday, September 11, 7-10pm. As usual we'll have snacks and sodas as well as music by the always entertaining DJ Sean Doe!
It's been just over three weeks since we took our online store down due to circumstances beyond our control. Rather than sit on our laurels, we decided to take the lemons that we'd received and make some tasty, tasty lemonade.
We're back now, with a brand new responsive (meaning it should adjust and look as good on your phone as it does on your desktop) website and online store. We sincerely hope you like it.
Of course, with growth comes some pain. If you had an account on the old rotofugi.com online store, we're sorry to say you'll have to make a new one here. It's a bummer, we know, but we hope the speed, stability and security of this new online store hosted by the fine folks at Shopify will make up for the hassle.
If you've got pending pre-orders or hold for later delivery orders, your orders are still safe...we've saved all the data related to your orders and will either a) ship your pre-orders when they arrive or b) continue to hold onto your held items until you tell us you're ready to ship.
Of course, if you need an update or just confirmation that your orders are safe, feel free to drop us an email at support@rotofugi.com with as much info as you have (ideally your name, email address on your order and your order number(s)) and we'll get right back to you. Thanks!
All the best to you from Kirby, Whitney & the Entire Rotofugi Crew