Is This Real Life?
New Works by David K Rose
March 19-April 10, 2022
I don't know about y'all, but with Spring just around the corner I'm ready for something that rocks. Like, rock n' roll, let's get down and have some fun in the sun! March's exhibit is the perfect accompaniment for that attitude...blending pop culture, monsters, heavy metal, and PLENTY of flames, our March artist David K Rose nails a rock n' roll attitude but maintains a sense of humor. Perfect.
Join us beginning Saturday, March 19 at 10am for in-person viewing of the 25 plus new watercolor paintings that David created for this exhibit. We will not be holding an opening reception but welcome your visit, mask required. Members of our gallery previews email list will get first opportunity to purchase. To receive the email sign up at previews.rotofugi.com.
Is This Real Life? continues through Sunday, April 10 at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago and will also be viewable at gallery.rotofugi.com shortly after the exhibit begins.
About the Artist
David K Rose is a visual artist known for his illustration work, and game production. His work has been featured in shows around the world, in the pages of numerous publications, AAA video games and multiple projects with bands. Dave currently resides in Dallas, TX where he continues his work in the game industry. This is his second exhibit at Rotofugi after participating in 2017's "Gritpop" group exhibition.

The Spoons Experiment
Vinyl Figure Mini Exhibit by Joshua Sutton
March 5-27, 2022
One great thing about being a toy store and art gallery is that we end up working with some of the most amazing people. Years ago, we worked with Josh Sutton on one of our projects, Jeremy Tinder's "Tinder Toys." Fast forward a decade and we're excited to work with Josh on a new project, though this time it's his personal work.
A talented sculptor & toy designer, Josh has honed his skills for years on other's projects but has, in recent years, developed his own series of figures. Josh will be showcasing custom versions of his newest figure, Spoons!
Spoons is known throughout the universe as a fearsome warrior and magical shaman, wielding the Eye of Destiny and helping Henry & The Max keep the M.I.T.E.S. (a group of mutants determined to devour food and resources) at bay!
The Spoons Experiment, Round 1, opens Saturday, March 5 at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago and will feature 10 custom painted figures, with Round 2 to follow within the month with additional Spoons.
For first chance to purchase, sign up for our Gallery Previews list at previews.rotofugi.com

About the Artist
Joshua Sutton is an Ohio-based toy sculptor, prototype artist and owner of ERA Sculpture LLC.
"As long as I can remember, I have enjoyed designing and building things. Anything really, fighter jets out of cardboard boxes, or model cars. It didn’t really matter as long as it was fun! This love of creating, combined with my love of toys, led me to a career in the toy industry. I am fortunate enough to have been involved in and continue today to work on some very cool projects.
"Over the years, I have learned skills and knowledge that have allowed me to design and create my own vinyl figures. Henry and The Max and Spoons are the beginning of a creative journey to build and develop a world of characters that are fun and creative.
"Ultimately, I am just trying to have fun, being me, my own way, and in my own style."

New Works by Shawnimals
February 19-March 13, 2022
I think we can all agree that after nearly 2 years of pandemic isolation and caution we’re all feeling a little wanderlust. Our good friend and long-time collaborator Shawn Smith (aka Shawnimals) and his adorable Ninjas and Shapes are right there with you. We’re excited to once again be working with Shawn to share this new body of work with you and, hopefully, it’ll be just the antidote you need.
Join us beginning Saturday, February 19 at 10am for in-person viewing of the 40 plus new works by Shawnimals for this exhibit. We will, unfortunately, not be holding an opening reception due to ongoing concerns about coronavirus, though we welcome you to stop by and view the new works (mask required). Members of our gallery previews email list will get first opportunity to purchase. To receive the email sign up at previews.rotofugi.com.
Wanderlust continues through Sunday, March 13 at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago and will also be viewable at gallery.rotofugi.com shortly after the exhibit begins.
About the Artist
Chicago-based Shawn Smith is best known as the artist and designer behind Shawnimals and Ninjatown. While often known for his work in designer toys — particularly plush — he is primarily focused on fine art, and creates a wide variety of colorful, playful, and symbolic illustrative works in the form of drawings, paintings, and murals. Simply put, he wants to delight and inspire people everywhere with his character-based creative work.
His "All Shapes" body of work explores ideas of friendship, community, diversity, inclusivity, and celebration. While squarely rooted in the world of art with color, shape, and composition, there's also the implication of a wide range of not only shapes and colors, but also emotions.
We are all of these things and many more, and these differences should be celebrated and supported to build a true sense of community.
You can see his work in and around Chicago, other parts of the US, and as far away as Tokyo, Japan.
When he's not working in his studio, he proudly works as the Art Director for Threadless and spends as much time as possible with his wife, son, and adorably grumpy old dog Remmy

Paintings in the Hue of Forever
New Works by ChrisRWK / Robots Will Kill
January 15-February 13, 2022
We kick off our 2022 exhibition schedule with a banger!
New York-based ChrisRWK (Robots Will Kill) has spent the last two decades and then some building and conceptualizing his own graffiti-flavored visual language — one that he frequently employs to spread messages of love, hope, and perseverance.
Join us beginning Saturday, January 15 at 10am for in-person viewing of the 40 new works on canvas prepared by ChrisRWK for his first Chicago solo exhibit!
We will, unfortunately, not be holding an opening reception due to ongoing concerns about coronavirus — and our space in Chicago strictly requires all staff and patrons to be masked.
Members of our gallery previews email list will get first opportunity to purchase. To receive the email sign up at previews.rotofugi.com.
Paintings in the Hue of Forever continues through Sunday, February 13 at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago and will also be viewable at gallery.rotofugi.com shortly after the exhibit begins.
About the Artist
A child of the 70’s into the 80s, ChrisRWK’s world was often completely flooded with the imagery and ideas presented by his television, his comic books, and the music and movies of the time. Immersed in these various mediums, ChrisRWK began to store the images brought forward though these everyday experiences in what he refers to as a "mental journal". This journal was a haven of his thoughts that he could refer back to whenever necessary. ChrisRWK’s paintings frequently cite past conceptions of popular culture embedded in his psyche's cache.
This use of intertextuality also serves to offer a comfort or familiarity of sorts to the viewer. ChrisRWK’s works frequently reveal everyday musings and people one would pass on the street without looking or thinking about twice. These images also aid ChrisRWK in the creation of a visual language comprised of his own iconographic imagery. Through the repetition of this imagery, ChrisRWK strives to familiarize his viewers with the language he has constructed. ChrisRWK believes that the notions within his pieces serve as a backbone to the many stories created by the onlooker when he or she is viewing the work.
In 2001 ChrisRWK set in motion RobotsWillKill.com. Robots Will Kill is an arts site dedicated to community and exposure for artists/media often disregarded by the mainstream art world. Rather than featuring his own work exclusively, he opened it up to allow the possibility for it to become whatever it evolved into being. ChrisRWK has used this interaction and collaboration with artists to help develop his artwork in new ways.
Over the years ChrisRWK’s imagery has become quickly identifiable and familiar to many people. He is trying to evoke more stories in people's minds everyday.
Good morning.
We found out this morning that one of our staff who last worked Saturday, December 18 and Sunday, December 19, has tested positive for COVID-19.
While we have been taking precautions and requiring masks for both staff and patrons for over the past year, if you visited our store this past weekend or yesterday you should know that you were in proximity to someone who either tested positive, or was a close contact of someone who did.
At this time we do not have any further positive cases, but out of precaution all staff who worked with the positive tested staff will be quarantined/work from home for the remainder of the year.
Our store in Chicago will remain open, though we beg your patience as we will be working with a greatly reduced staff.
Thank you.
Kirby Kerr