Designer Toys, Art & Pop Culture
Promo Image for May Exhibit: Egoproof

May Exhibit: Egoproof


Hope and Love in Times of Darkness.
New Works by Egoproof
May 16-June 7, 2020

Online Exhibit Launch
Saturday, May 16, 10am Central Time

Late last year I started noticing some interesting images show up in my social media feeds. The striking images showed what looked like advertising posters and wheat-pasted signs, usually with a positive message, featuring simple white on red or red on white text.

It turned out to be a new project by some old friends of Rotofugi. Rather than spoil their secret fun, let's just say that they are currently based in Spain and are known to move around quite a bit.

This month we're featuring a new exhibit of prints by these old friends and their new project, Egoproof. In a world that feels increasingly divided and chaotic, Egoproof is spreading a message of love, hope and positivity — and we all need those things today more than ever.

A portion of the exhibit will benefit Hope For The Day®, a Chicago-based non-profit empowering the conversation on proactive suicide prevention and mental health education. Through action, education, and outreach they aim to lead the global conversation on proactive prevention in order to create a cultural shift on how mental health is treated in our communities. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we're excited to be partnering with HFTD to amplify their important message, even a little bit.

Join us at on Saturday, May 16 at 10am Central Time to view and order prints.

Sign up at for a reminder email.

Note: Our gallery in Chicago is closed to the public through May 31, 2020 by order of the governor of Illinois, and currently plans are for this exhibit to remain online only, though we've been known to change our minds! Stay safe.


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