pew pew pew
New Works by Scott Listfield
September 8-October 1, 2017
BYOB Opening Reception
September 8, 7-10pm
Fans of all thing astronaut rejoice! We're super excited to be welcoming back artist Scott Listfield for his second solo exhibit at Rotofugi. For this new exhibit Scott's iconic astronauts are exploring various pop culture and video game worlds and the results are awesome!
Join us for the BYOB opening reception, Friday, September 8, 7-10pm for snacks and music by DJ Sean Doe. The artist will be in attendance.
Sales for this exhibit begin when we open at 11am on opening day, and via email to our previews list starting at 2pm (central time) that afternoon — sign up at http://previews.rotofugi.com.
The exhibit continues through October 1 and will be available for viewing 11am-7pm, seven days a week at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago.
About the Artist
Scott Listfield (b. 1976, Boston, MA) is known for his paintings featuring a lone exploratory astronaut lost in a landscape cluttered with pop culture icons, corporate logos, and tongue-in-cheek science fiction references. Scott studied art at Dartmouth College, for which his parents have finally forgiven him. After some time spent abroad, Scott returned to America where, a little bit before the year 2001, he began painting astronauts and, sometimes, dinosaurs.
Scott has been profiled in Wired Magazine, the Boston Globe, and on WBZ-TV Boston. His work has also appeared in New American Paintings and Surface Magazine. In 2010 he was named a Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant finalist, and was the official artist of 2011 Boston First Night. He has exhibited his work in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Miami, Boston, and many other nice places.
This is his second solo exhibit at Rotofugi Gallery.

Out of Hibernation
New Works by Chris Austin
August 11-September 3, 2017
BYOB Opening Reception
August 11, 7-10pm
We're excited to be welcoming back Toronto-based artist Chris Austin for his second solo exhibit in our gallery this month!
Join us for the BYOB opening reception, Friday, August 11, 7-10pm for snacks and music by DJ Sean Doe. The artist will be in attendance.
Sales for this exhibit begin when we open at 11am on opening day, and via email to our previews list starting at 2pm (central time) that afternoon — sign up at http://previews.rotofugi.com.
The exhibit continues through September 3, and will be available for viewing 11am-7pm, seven days a week at Rotofugi, 2780 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago.
About the Artist
Toronto, Canada-based painter and sculptor Chris Austin first exhbited with us as part of 2013's Northern Lights Canadian artist group exhibit and we instantly fell in love with his evocative, lively style and, well, bears. His works, often painted on reclaimed wooden surfaces and found objects, evoke both a love of nature and a striking range of emotion and expression.
We hosted Chris' first US solo exhibit in February 2016 and we're excited to have him back for this new exhibit. Chris will be in attendance at the opening so stop in and say hi!
Yep, it's that time of the year...time for lovers of toys, art, pop-culture and yes, comics, to converge on sunny San Diego for Comic-Con International, aka SDCC!
We'll be there with several new releases and lot's of good stuff from our friends! If you, too, are headed to San Diego please swing by our booth, check out the goods and say hello!
Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi & Friends
SDCC Booth 5248
San Diego Convention Center
July 20-23, 2017 (Preview Night July 19)
Special Guests: Cherry Moth Cake
Release details are below...

A Little Misfortune Japanese Vinyl Finger Puppets
New colors of the A Little Misfortune Japanese Vinyl Finger Puppets by FERG will make their debut at SDCC! Unpainted clear yellow, clear with pink glitter or clear with blue glitter, each in an edition of 50 pieces! $13 each, tax included.
Design by FERG, produced by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi

Ghost Eye Japanese Vinyl Finger Puppets
We're excited to be debuting these Ghost Eye Japanese Vinyl Finger Puppets designed by Cherry Moth Cake (Nick and Lindsay DiFabbio) at SDCC this year! They’ll be available in unpainted lime green, clear pink and clear purple with blue & pink glitter, each an edition of 35 pieces. $15 each, tax included.
Design by Cherry Moth Cake, produced by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi

Glow in the Dark Figgle Bits
The Figgle Bits by Chris Rynialk are back! These glow in the dark versions of Fibbly, Gubble and Plopp make their debut release at SDCC this year...edition of 300 per character, $14 each, tax included.
Design by Chris Ryniak, produced by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi

The Lake Monsters Snybora – Stark Edition
Snybora, designed and sculpted by Chris Ryniak for our Lake Monsters line of sofubi-style figures returns once again, this time in a comic-inspired colorway. Hand painted in Chicago by Joe Somers (Squibbles Ink) and Kirby Kerr (Rotofugi) in an edition of just 20 pieces, this edition features blue vinyl with metallic red and gold sprays. $38 each, tax included.
But that's not all for The Lake Monsters....
For the very first time, we'll be offering a limited number of unpainted Snyboras in a variety of colors for $25 each, tax included.
Finally, we'll have a handful of custom Snyboras and Big Muscamoots (also by Chris Ryniak and painted by Joe Somers/Kirby Kerr) available for $70-130 each, tax included.
Figure Design by Chris Ryniak, produced and hand painted by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi

Cherry Moth Cake / Ghostfreehood Pins
The designers of our new Ghost Eye vinyl, Cherry Moth Cake, will also be joining us as special guests at SDCC Booth 5248 this year! Nick (@ghostfreehood) and Lindsay (@lindsaytron9000) DiFabbio are probably best known for their crazy elaborate enamel pins and SDCC will see some of that action too! These Ghost Tank and Jumpman pins come blind bagged….with a total of 140 pins and only 5 Jumpman, will you be one of the lucky ones to score an uber-rare pin? $24 each, tax included.
Designed and Produced by Cherry Moth Cake

Ghost Tank Micro Resins
These tiny resin Ghost Tanks are made 100% in-house by the folks at Cherry Moth Cake — who says bigger is better? They are blind bagged and about 2/3 are camo colors, 1/3 bright colors. Which will you get? $10 each, tax included.
Designed and Produced by Cherry Moth Cake

Visor Girl Resin
Visor Girl! This chunk of intricately sculpted resin was designed by Cherry Moth Cake and sculpted and cast by OttoWerx. A freshly hand painted edition of just 10 pieces will be available at SDCC. $250 each, tax included.
Produced by Cherry Moth Cake and OttoWerx
And more...
In addition to to pins and resins, look out for "Mental Jukebox," a comic/zine with art and story by Cherry Moth Cake's Nick DiFabbio at SDCC! $12 each, tax included.

Custom Gumdrops & Uamou Figures by Jeremiah Ketner
We’re absolutely in love with how Jeremiah Ketner paints toys…and he’s done some great work again this year for our SDCC booth, delivering an assortment of Gumdrops by 64 Colors, and both standard Uamou and Manekineko Uamou figures by Uamou. These usually go fast, so get to the booth fast for the best selection! $135-165 each, tax included.
Figures by 64 Colors (Produced by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi) and Uamou, hand painted by Jeremiah Ketner

Max Toy Company Customs
Yes, we are continuing our longstanding tradition of collaboration with our good friend Mark Nagata of Max Toy Company at SDCC! These three beautiful sofubi figures (TriPus, Crusher G Ape & GID Dino SaiKobi), all custom painted one-offs by Mark, will be available at our booth. Arigato gozaimasu Mark-san! $220-335 each, tax included.
Produced by Max Toy Company, hand painted by Mark Nagata
...and more!
In addition to these new releases we'll also have Marshalls, Tear Drips, Tinder Toys, Ninjatown and Marshall Zipper Charms, Under the Weather and Ninjatown eeensy Charms, Jeromes (design by Frank Kozik) and more produced by Squibbles Ink + Rotofugi available...including at least one surprise micro-release that we haven't teased anywhere!
If you haven't picked up the latest Squadt releases we'll have a few of each, including the amazing 20" Gassed available.
We'll also have a handful of Caveman SD figures, designed and produced by Avri Rosen-Zvi...get to the booth early if you want one!
Enamel pins your thing? We'll have a big selection of pins by The Artpin Collection, plus pins by both JM Somers and Rotofugi too. #pingamestrong
Thank you! See you in San Diego!

The last week of June isn’t a good time for an air conditioner to break – trust us. In order to keep our store at a temperature that is something less than “hotter than two mice making out in a wool sock” we’re going to have to buy a new air conditioner, and soon. The only thing worse than being that hot? Unexpected expenses!
So, to make sure we can afford some new cooling technology, we’re having a quick sale to raise some extra funds. :)
Now, through July 4, shop online at rotofugi.com or in-store at our Chicago location* and use discount code “NEWAC” for 15% off your entire order storewide** and you’ll be helping us keep our cool. Thanks!
* To use the discount at the store, just mention the discount code when you’re checking out!
** Excluding Original Art, Pre-Orders, Squadt Assembly, Warhol Dunny Series 2 and Skydiver McGuire. Discount codes may not be applied retro-actively to orders you’ve already placed, sorry.

Join us Saturday, July 1, 11am-1pm for a very special event - a Q&A and signing with Martellus Bennett celebrating the release of his new vinyl art toy, Skydiver McGuire!
Bennett is probably best known in Chicago for his three standout seasons as a tight end with the Chicago Bears, but he’s also an accomplished creative entrepreneur, having founded his own production company, The Imagination Agency, focused on children’s literature, entertainment and education.
Joining Bennett for the event and moderating the Q&A will be award-winning writer, illustrator and cartoonist Skottie Young.
Skydiver McGuire is a secret agent stationed at a theme park called "MartyLand" working undercover for the T.I.A (The Imagination Agency) in search for the lost imaginations of children all over the world that have been stolen by the Suits. An original creation by Martellus Bennett, based on his alter ego, McGuire has been produced as a 10-inch tall vinyl figure in five different colors, each an edition of just 100 pieces. The Skydiver McGuire figures will be available to purchase during the event for $165 each — a limited quantity of all five colors will be on hand for the event.
In addition to the Q&A and signing, DJ Sean Doe will be spinning all morning long, plus we’ll have snacks and beverages for all. We hope to see you there!